
Arunodaya Special School run by Jeevan Welfare Trust ® Karkala since 2000 for Mentally challenged Children like Mild, Moderate, and OPH. We also have Deaf and Dump children. Some there are with physically disability. Our school is Day Care school so far. From next year(2018) onwards we plan to have hostel facilities for the far of Mentally Challenged children.

We request you have children between 5 to 20 years you may admit them to our school. we shall let you know the monthely charges.

We are happy to inform you that we have matriculation Govt. examination centre. This year we had sent 9 Mentally Challenged Children for S.S.L.C examination. Out of 9 children 7 have passed. 2 with 1st class, 2 with 2nd class and the rest 3rd class.

If you are interested to admit your children to our school please contact us either by email – or Mobile – 09448151700


Thanking you,

Late.Sr. Donalda Pais
Managing Trustee
Jeevan Welfare Trust ®
Arunodaya Special School Karkala